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 Guild Ranks

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Root Administrator
Root Administrator

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Join date : 2009-09-16

Guild Ranks Empty
PostSubject: Guild Ranks   Guild Ranks EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 5:32 am

Guild Ranks are given in this order:

- Initiate - New members. You will stay at this rank until you prove that you are worthy of this guild.

- Member - The classic member rank, this will be given to any member who is level 85 and had been inspected and tested in raids. He prooved he can cooperate with his guild mates and knows the tactics from all major instances.

- Champion - First tier of guild elite , the rank is given to those who gained experience with the guild raids. These members are very good raiders. They have more than 20 hours of raiding being trustworthy and skilled enough to engage in any encounter.

- Veteran - Second tier of guild elite, this rank is given to the oldest members in the guild. They are the most experienced guild's raiding core members and they participated in more than 50 guild raids and 50 hours of raiding. This is the highest non-administrative rank and players with this rank have priority to a Staff rank. Veterans are experienced guild members who are worthy of respect and have proven their character and loyalty, but who do not vote in the Guild Council. People who have been members in the guild for a long time but who leave the guild in good terms and choose to return are given this rank and so is any officer who chooses to renounce his leadership position provided he fulfills the seniority criteria.

- Class Leader - This rank is designed for Class Leaders who recruit , train and supervise our guild members.

- Raid Leader - This rank is designed for Raid Leaders.

- Head Officer- The ultimate tier of guild leadership. The Head Officer is the guild member with powers equaling the Warchief. He administrates the whole staff and takes care of the guild activity in the absence of the Warchief.

- Warchief (Guild Founder) - The Warchief is the highest form of leadership in the guild.He is responsible with the organization of the guild and he supervises the entire guild activity. His word has decisive power in any decision, but he only acts advised by his High Overlords. He is the Master Loot of most important raids and can postpone a raid. The Warchief is elected by the guild council. He can be removed from the leadership if more than 75% of the votes are against him.
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