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 The Guild Council

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2010-03-11

The Guild Council Empty
PostSubject: The Guild Council   The Guild Council EmptyFri May 28, 2010 7:02 pm

The Guild Council is the reunion of the guild leadership. It normally occurs once a week but may be invoked by officers and warlords in specific situations, such as a grievous accusation or important immediate decision. It serves as an agora for the expression of the will of the leadership and it is the body that produces new rules and establishes permanent guild events. Participation is open to any member but the right to vote is restricted to the leadership. Regular members are not allowed to be disruptive during a Council, if you have something to say ask for permission and you will be heard. The time and place of the Council meeting will be announced one or two days prior in the Guild Message of the Day tab. It is the duty of all members of the leadership to attend and decisions are taken with a minimum of 70% of total votes. If not enough members are gathered, the Council may be postponed.
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The Guild Council

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