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 Warsong Clan History

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Warsong Clan History Empty
PostSubject: Warsong Clan History   Warsong Clan History EmptySat Jun 19, 2010 12:48 am

Warsong Clan is a guild on Horde side that activates since 5.04.2009 and forms a truly community at this moment.

The founder of this guild is Kong, but an important role in creating this guild pertains to the rest of the members which remained in this "clan" for years.
Some of us  have been playing on Spidernet Romania server since 2008. Firstly, it was Phoenix Order a guild founded by Kong and some friends, but after the main officer left to found his own guild the rest who remained in Phoenix Order founded Warsong Clan. Among the founders we mention : Tacac, Chaoslord, Mielu, Clock.  Many players were in this guild, but only who proved remained .Of course, like all other guilds we had problems and disputes but, unlike others , Warsong Clan was never disbanded.

In March 2011, after 2 years of activity the guild moves to Freakz server on the new released realm "Evolution". The guild's name remained the same and so did the majority of the staff, with the mention that the new leader is Rael.

At the moment we try to be a PvE/PvP guild with helpful,experienced and kind members.We don't aim to be the biggest, but the best! We want to have fun in any raid, to make movies, take screenshots with funny or memorable moments, organize events and so on. Many things are said about us, that the polity is a very strictly one , like a dictatorship. Yes, we are very strictly and we do not want to keep players in guild only for the number, but we promovate active and open-mind people. We test every single person that joins our guild, sooner or later, and we keep only the ones who deserve.

After we have celebrated 6 months of activity, we decided  to recruit new players via applications .We think is a modern way and denotes the fact that we are a serious guild and we no longer accept anyone.
Why Warsong Clan?We are like a family,a clan.Why Warsong?Cause we love to shatter our enemies.

In May 2011 , Warsong Clan is represented by 2 guilds on two different servers: Freakz and Spidernet.
In July 2011, Warsong Clan from Freakz was converted into another - ELDERS - Leader Duce , with a changed core,  so our members activity under the name of Warsong Clan stops.
In June 2012, Warsong Clan stops its activity on Spidernet Romania and starts on WoW Freakz, realm Genesis under the name of "The Warsong Clan".

In the present we do not activate anymore!

Kong 5.04.2009 - 15.03.2010
Ord 15.03.2010 - 12.04.2010
Kong 12.04.2010 - 14.05.2010
Clock 14.05.2010 - 24.05.2010
Brienne 24.05.2010 - 18.06.2010
Kong   18.06.2010 - 15.05.2011
Iarba 15.05.2011 - 2.08.2011
Halther 02.08.2011 - 1.09.2011
Tacac   1.09.2011 - 1.12.2011
Kong   1.12.2011 - 2012

All the leaders mentioned refer to the Spidernet Realm.

Our activity has totally ceased in 2012.

(Players who aren't any longer in Warsong Clan but who honored the guild.)

Mielu - One of the most representative Members the guild had. He was one of the Main Officers of the guild and he led the guild a short period.
Chaoslord(Saurfang) - One of the founders of Warsong Clan.
Orcman - Famous for his "For the Horde" Raids. Many of his raids can be found as movies on YouTube.
Phenomenal - One of the harshest Officers the guild ever had.
Luvzu - One of the most helpful players the guild ever had.
Ord - A true member of our clan.
Duce - Symbol of the healers the guild had.
Iarba - Probably the member who became Officer in the shortest period ever, showing loyalty and professionalism from the first day.
Tacac - Founder and one of the most representative members of the guild.
Bullshifter - The guy who speaks romanian pretty good, though he is from other country. He remained in our memories as a funny , humour sensed friend and most important : loyal to the death. It must be mentioned  aswell, that he ruled the guild for a short time.
Terafus - Another representative player in our guild's history. Maybe the best tree of life the server had , but definitely the best one the guild had.
Bakushan - Probably the best beer in the world. Kidding! Defintely the best tank the guild ever had. He honored us with his presence in uncountable raids.
Halther - A model officer. Always dedicating his free time to do the best in improving the guild management.

Community players 250+
Average online players  ~ 20
Raiding day average online players per guild ~50
Maximum online players: 73

Last edited by Varok on Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:50 am; edited 2 times in total
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